Destiny or free will? Is the psychology of success, the new opium of the masses?
One time, “Karl Marx” expressed: that “religion is the opium of people or mass”. At the time of Marx, it was voracious and understandable, however, nowadays, religion plays no important role in mass life and does not encourage people’s behaviour and hope. The question here arises is what the new religion is today, which is opium for the masses. Moreover, it neutralizes people's dissatisfaction antagonistic with social structure and makes them inactive and afflicted, instead of protesting. At present, a new religion is the “psychology of success” which removes the responsibility of Capitalism and justifies its structure while blaming the individuals. The object of this article is that currently the” psychology of success” is an ideology of economic and political systems like religion in the past era which justify inequality and is an opium for people, to criticise themselves, instead of structure. We will discuss that the function of the “psychology of success” is the function of religion and magic in pre-modern societies and the hope it causes is ideology.
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